About Us
Hill At-A-Glance
Student Life
- 527 students, third form through post-graduate
- 156 new students for 2024-25 academic year
- 79% / 21% boarding-to-day student ratio; all students must board for one year
- Hill students are from 26 states and 17 countries
- 43% students of color; 15% international
- 7:1 student/teacher ratio
- 11 typical class size
- 21 Advanced Placement subjects offered
- 39 honors courses offered
- 20 college-level courses offered
- Each college counselor has approximately 35-40 advisees. College counselors are assigned during the winter term of the fourth form (sophomore) year.
- The Hill has 82 classroom teachers.
- Nearly all faculty reside in dormitories serving as dorm parents, or in homes on campus.
Admission Information
- Day tuition: $51,450
- Boarding tuition: $75,467
- About 34% of students receive need-based financial aid.
- The Hill School is accredited by the Middle States Association and the Ten Schools Admission Organization (TSAO).
Co-Curricular Activities
- The Hill offers 32 interscholastic sports programs and 12 arts performances per year.
- The Student Activities Office offers a wide variety of on-and off-campus opportunities to students.
- The Hill has a thriving community service program.
- Hill competes in the Mid-Atlantic Prep League for athletics, which includes Lawrenceville School (Lawrenceville, N.J.); The Hun School (Princeton, N.J.); Mercersburg Academy (Mercersburg, Pa.); Peddie School (Hightstown, N.J.); The Pennington School (Pennington, N.J.); and Blair Academy (Blairstown, N.J.).
Hill Traditions
- School traditions include a dress code; twice-weekly nondenominational chapel services; and seated family-style meals with faculty in the Dining Room.
- The Hill School motto is "Whatsoever things are true." (Philippians 4:8)
- The Hill School's first year of coeducation was 1998-1999.
Our Campus
- The Hill's campus is more than 200 acres, and includes four artificial turf fields, an 8-lane track, and 11 new faculty homes.
- Pottstown is a small town (22,000 residents) located an hour north of Philadelphia; two hours south of New York City; and less than four hours north of Washington, D.C. Students have accessibility to great restaurants, shopping, and cultural events close to campus, and can engage in meaningful community service opportunities in Pottstown.