Welcome to The Hill School Archives
This website provides a place to share some of Hill’s extensive history with the School community, alumni, and friends of the School. A majority of the Archives holdings consists of printed matter, photographs, yearbooks, school and student publications, scrapbooks, audiovisual materials, artifacts, and textiles. You may view a listing of all materials in the Archives by browsing through the categories below.
The Hill School Archives is currently located on the fourth floor of the John P. Ryan Library. The Archives staff has mounted many framed pictures on the walls of the stairway leading to the Archives balcony. Display cases exhibiting some of our prized artifacts are located in the hallway outside of the Writing Center on the third floor. The balcony and old Librarian's Quarters on the fourth floor are where the Archives currently resides.
Mr. Jeffries shows students old photographs that are part of The Hill School Archives.
Contact Us:
Louis Jeffries
Director of Archives
Shipping/Mailing Address:
The Hill School
860 Beech Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
Attn: Archives
Access to the Archives for visits and research purposes is by appointment only. The staff is happy to provide individual reference services and to answer inquiries whenever possible by email, letter, or telephone.
- About the Archives
- Hill School Alumni
- Scrapbooks
- Board of Trustees
- Buildings and Campus
- Faculty and Academics
- Framed and Unframed Artwork / Framed Pictures
- Headmasters
- Photographs and Glass Negatives
- Hill School Publications
- Special School Events
- Student Life
- Textiles (Clothing and Fabric Items)
- Miscellaneous
About the Archives
The first attempt to create an Archives at The Hill School may date back to a time when Paul Chancellor (former Hill School master [1925-1967] and founder of Hill's Humanities program) assembled complete collections of The Dial yearbooks and other School publications during his tenure at Hill. In 2009, Dr. Henry Bender (former Hill School Chairman of the Humanities and Classics Departments [1998-2012] and Director of the Archives) began to reorganize and further develop the Archives. After several years of dedicated effort, The Hill School Archives has been revitalized to possibly its most advanced state ever. However, there is much work to be accomplished to bring the Archives to a level that is of greatest use to The Hill Community - to become fully digitized. This is primarily a funding issue, as many of the collections require outsourcing to become digitized in a resourceful manner.
A majority of the Archives holdings consists of printed matter, photographs, yearbooks, school and student publications, scrapbooks, audiovisual materials, artifacts, and textiles. Some examples would include a scrapbook belonging to Russell Colgate (class of 1891); 300 glass plate negatives; a white dress worn by one of the first female graduates (class of 1999) when she took the traditional jump into the Dell pond after Commencement; an 8 mm film of the 1954 Hill-Lawrenceville football game; an early School catalogue from 1861; and a magnificent piece of furniture owned and used by the founders of the School, the Meigs family.
The Archives staff maintains this collection of materials to preserve the rich history of The Hill School, and to fulfill research requests and inquiries from the School community and the public. The ongoing process of collecting, identifying, organizing, cataloging, and preserving these materials serves to document the history of The Hill School and to make it accessible to the entire Hill community for research and other purposes. To advance this accessibility, the Archives Department has a long term goal of digitizing the entire collection. The Archives also serves to energize the School community’s awareness of Hill traditions and history, to foster student affection for their alma mater, and to build a sense of pride that they are the carriers of The Hill torch – “Whatsoever Things Are True.”
The Hill School Archives is currently located on the fourth floor of the John P. Ryan Library. The Archives staff has mounted many framed pictures on the walls of the stairway leading to the Archives balcony. Display cases exhibiting some of our prized artifacts are located in the hallway outside of the Writing Center on the third floor. The balcony area and the old Librarian's Quarters located above it, combine to form what is the current location of the Archives.
A visitor to The Hill School may see many of the School's archival treasures displayed in the Alumni House. The front parlor has a museum-like décor which exhibits many wonderful archival artifacts and framed pictures. The first and second floor walls display framed photographs, along with descriptions, made from our collection of glass negatives.
The continued growth of The Hill School Archives is fundamental to its existence. The staff aspires to preserve and promote the history of the School. In view of that, gifts pertaining to any aspect of Hill history are seriously appreciated. Any such items will only enrich our historical collection and deepen the enduring significance that the Archives represents for the School.
Access to the Archives for visits and research purposes is by appointment. The staff is happy to provide individual reference services and to answer inquiries whenever possible by email, letter, or telephone.
Hill School Alumni
The Hill School Archives maintains information about Hill School alumni, the Alumni Association, past reunions, fundraising materials, and individual alumni scrapbooks and scrapbook materials. The School maintains alphabetical files of each alumnus for whom the Archives has information. The Archives also maintains chronological files of individual classes for which the Archives has information.
The Hill School Archives maintains a variety of information pertaining to the following:
Alumni Association: Transfer of ownership from the Meigs family to The Hill School Alumni Association, by-laws, reports, contributions, class agent letters, annual giving, mailings, Moffat books, etc., are some of the files maintained in the Archives.
Reunions: Mailings, appeals, programs, etc., are some of the files maintained in the Archives.
Fundraising: Reports, mailings, appeals, etc., are some of the files maintained in the Archives.
One of the Archives greatest collections is the magnificent scrapbooks created by Hill alums while they were students. The scrapbooks are filled with photographs, clippings, event tickets, publications, personal thoughts, and other interesting memorabilia.
Individual Scrapbooks:
1868 - Autograph book, Edwin F. Keen
1891 – Russell Colgate (currently located in display table on 3rd floor of library)
1896-1899 – Latrobe Cogswell
1904 – Philip R. Mallory
1907 – Francis W. Crandall
1907 – Loomis Havemeyer (two books)
1907 – Clarence P. Thomas
1908 – Irving D. Fish
1908 – Oscar F. Soule (four books)
1909 – C. Durand Allen
1910 – Wilson P. Foss, Jr.
1910 – Thornton Beach Bell
1910 – Harold D. Saylor (currently located in display table on 3rd floor library)
1910 – Alvan Markle, Jr. (two books)
1911 - Reginald W. Orcutt (1910 diary)
1913 – Herbert R. Spencer
1913 – Roger W. Riis
1913 – John Williams Overton
1913 – William Muir Russel
1913 - Charles McAlpin Pyle
1914 – Thomas Armstrong Robinson
1914 – Edward H. Clark, Jr.
1914 – George C. Moseley (two books)
1914 – William W. Dean (one of two books, two of two in drawer six)
1916 – Clifford Heath Beegle
1914 – William W. Dean (two of two books, one of two in drawer five)
1914 – C. Van Rensselaer Halsey
1917 – Allan Hosie Treman
1918 – Arthur F. Pew, Jr.
1918 – Nicolia H. Hiller, Jr.
1918 – Carl W. Knobloch
1921 – Robert Spencer Van Cleve
1921 – David Harvey Phillips
1922 – Tracy L. Turner, Jr.
1924 – William A. Humphreys, Jr.
1924 – Class of 1924 Group Book
1928- Royal C. Vilas, Jr.
1929 – Warren S. Hunsberger
1932-1952 –Paul Wescott, Faculty, Architecture
1965 – James C. Cristy III
* A collection of unidentified loose scrapbook pages is located in the bottom drawer of the Scrapbook cabinet.
Additional Scrapbook materials not bound:
Charles Wentworth Baker, Jr. – class of 1909 (in envelope)
Robert D. Bentley – class of 1953 (also contains memorabilia from 1901-1904)
George Packer Berry – class of 1917
Donald G. Blain – class of 1942
Jackson H. Boyd – class of 1906
William J. Chesbrough – class of 1909
Stephen Christy – class of 1966
Louis Curtiss Cummings – class of 1904
Curtiss Cummings – class of 1935
E.K. Hart Fessenden – class of 1913
Ralph C. Franks – class of 1914
Truman P. Handy – class of 1909
Branton H. Henderson – class of 1917
Herbert W. Hobler – class of 1940
Harry Pardee Keller – class of 1915 (diary of days/speakers, letters to mother)
Robert E. Lusk – class of 1948
John R. McCune, Jr. – class of 1915
Egbert C. Mersereau – class of 1907
Edward M. Powell – class of 1909
William McMurtrie Speer – class of 1880
P. Carter Speers – class of 1910 (in envelope)
Albert C. Whitaker – class of 1923
Cummings Scrapbook: The Archives has a very large scrapbook from Robert Augustus Cummings, Jr., class of 1913. Included in this extraordinary collection are his personal texts, Bible, and other items.
Sweeney Scrapbook: The Archives has a very large scrapbook from Michael Sweeney. He, or his wife, compiled it during his tenure at The Hill School. It is priceless to The Hill.
Board of Trustees
The Archives maintains files pertaining to the Board of Trustees, including information such as meeting minutes, reports, correspondence, committees, strategic plans, and copies of the booklet “The Hill School, Its Past - Its Future” from 1928.
Tax Suit (ruling 1952) The Archives maintains files pertaining to the law suit originating in 1949, culminating in 1952. Re: tax exemption for The Hill School
Buildings and Campus
The Archives maintains materials pertaining to the three major fires that have occurred at The Hill School, such as newspaper articles, photographs, publications, restoration, etc. The three fires took place in 1884, 1890, and 1973. Note: There is a framed series of photographs from the 1973 fire hanging in the stairwell of the library between the second and third floors.
Library / Memorial Hall
Library: The Archives maintains materials pertaining to the library, such as files on library committees, tapestries, Memorial Hall, Lincoln Corridor, funds, etc.
Library construction: The dedication for the construction and renovation of the John P. Ryan Library occurred in June 1990. The Archives has materials related to the planning and execution of this project. There are also poster boards and blueprints relating to this project, which are located in the closet of the Archives room.
Memorial Hall/Library: The Archives maintains files pertaining to the construction of Memorial Hall and the Library, or parts thereof. There are files of pre-construction correspondence and fund-raising from ~1919 +; the laying of the cornerstone for Memorial Hall on 11/1/1919; the windows/lectern construction from ~1950; the Levis Room construction ~late 1940s; development of WWII memorial; exhibit facilities; stage lighting; library viewing room ~1990, etc.
- Middle School - "Electrical & Fire Alarm System Upgrade", 5/7/1993, 13 sheets, 30"x42", U.L.Shafer Assoc. Inc., Sinking Spring, Pa.
- Library - "Additions and Renovations", 11/23/1988, last revised 12/30/1988, 62 sheets, 5 repeated sheets, dated 10/31/1988, 30"x42", H2L2 Architects/Planners, Philadelphia, Pa. (These plans were given to Buildings & Grounds. We now have a digital copy in Archives.)
- Wolfboro Camps
- "Plan of Lands", 10/2/1975, 1 sheet, 17"x22", Lakes Region Survey Service Inc., Wolfeboro, N.H.
- "Plan of Lands", 9/17/1975, 8 sheets, 22"x34", Lakes Region Survey Services Inc., Wolfeboro, N.H.
- "Plan of Lands", 9/12/1975, 4 sheets, 22"x34", Lakes Region Survey Services Inc., Wolfeboro, N.H.
- "Certain Land of Hill School Camp", 8/6/1964, 3 sheets, 19"x32"", R.B. Merriman, Surveyor
- Subdivision for "Burton E. & Lloyd E. Rhodes", 12/3/1976, last revised 12/9/1976, 3 sheets, 24"x36", Lakes Region Survey Service Inc, Wolfeboro, N.H.
- Headmaster House - 12/13/1973 (basement floor 12/11/1973), 7 sheets, 24"x30", Louis T. Klauder and Assoc., Philadelphia, Pa., illegible revisions by Hewitt and Granger, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Weekend Camp (Gordon T. Clement) - 11/5/1928, last revised 11/14/1928, 5 sheets, 24"x27", S.M. Clement, Architect, N.Y.C.
- Comprehensive Athletic Facility - proposed plans, 9/15/1999, 10 sheets, 19"x24"
- Upper School - photocopies of parts of blueprints, 7/24/1909, 9/17/1909, 10/28/1909, 4 sheets, 18"x26", Hewitt and Paist Architects, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Headmaster's House (Main Building) - "Prior to Fire Damage" and "Proposed Rebuilding," 12/14/1973, 4 sheets, 11"x16", Louis T. Klauder & Assoc.
- Pottstown Borough - 5/13/1914, 1 sheet, 24"x36", traced from R.E. Shaner, Surveyor, blueprint for the Eastern Steel Company
- Hill School - "Ground Plan" for campus, 1932, 1 sheet, 13"x23", shows buildings to 1920, to 1932, and proposed. Wendell dormitory has been added by hand in 1949
- Meig's House (Main Building) - untitled architectural plans proposed for the rebuild after fire, 12/18/1973, 28 sheets, 18"x24", also included is a hand drawn picture of the proposed view from the inside at the west entrance to the Meigs House
- Memorial Room - "Open Bay Vaulting Plan", 1920, 1 sheet, 15"x19", Hewitt & Ash, Architects, Philadelphia, Pa. (note: some of this information was hand written on the back of blueprint)
- Hill School - "Topographical Map of Part of Land of The Hill School", 4/9/1930, 1 sheet, 26"x56", Charles Z. Klauder, Architect, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Memorial Hall - "Cross Sections", 11/5/1919, last revised 12/23/1919, 1 sheet, 20"x34", Hewitt & Ash, Architects, Philadelphia, PA (note: there are three full sections of building)
- Lavertu Residence - Architectural plans for Mr. & Mrs. Lavertu residence, located at corner of Bailey and King Streets, 4/1937, 8+1 sheets, 17"x27", E. Kaye Hunter, Architect, Plymouth Meeting, Pa.
- Dell Dorms and Guest House - 4 copies of colored picture of proposed Dell Dorms and existing Guest House, 11"x17"
- Gymnasium Building - Plumbing Plan, 10/1930, 3 sheets, 31"x35", E.P. Saeger Company Plumbing & Engineers, Allentown, Pa.
- Gymnasium Building - First Floor Plan, 7/7/1930, 1 sheet, 31"x38", Charles Z. Klauder, Architect, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Rifle Range - I sheet, 13"x22", shows overhead view of range
- Rifle Range - 9 sheets, some titled "for the Armory in Dover, Delaware," 21"x30", dates shown are 2/12/1913 and 5/16/1913, titles on sheets are: Details of Bracket for Telescope (2), Apparatus for Operating Target, Perspective of Range (2), Backstop (2), Firing Point Barricade, 50 Foot Barricade (note: hand written on the back of blueprint set is "Rifle Range at The Hill School")
- Rifle Range - "Rifle Club Building," 7/1925, 9/1925, 4 sheets, 16"x26", the architect's last name may have been Saylor
- Fan - a schematic of a fan used somewhere at The Hill School, manufactured by Clarage Fan Company, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1 sheet, 17"x21", dated 11/28/1931
- Athletic Center – comprehensive proposed plans for the athletic center, encompassing the gyms, hockey rinks, fitness center, etc., dated 8/20/2002, 7 sheets, 19”x26”, no company noted
- Wrestling Room – a variety of four sheets of plans pertaining to the Wrestling Room for Hill School, 3 sheets are by E. Kaye Hunter, RA, one sheet is by Warren B. Zern, general contractor – all sheets from 1956
- Henry H. Saylor, class of 1889 - a number of blueprints/plans professionally done by Henry Saylor
- H.V.L. Meigs, Esquire - blueprints for a "country residence near Pottstown, Pa" dated 8/18/1904, Muhlenberg Bros. Architects, Reading, PA, this property also known as "Hillside" -also includes detailed millwork for home. This Hillside is reportedly identical plans to the Hillside built on The Hill School campus (Admissions Building currently). The property listed here is reportedly near Birdsboro, Pa.
Faculty and Academics
Academic Information:
- Academic Information, miscellaneous: The Archives maintains materials related to miscellaneous Hill School academic information, such as ledgers of the student body’s grades - “Weekly Record of Standing;” other records of grades; school rosters; college acceptance exams; correspondence; etc.
- Academic Textbooks from alumni: The Archives maintains a collection of Hill School textbooks and other classroom materials, given by alums.
- Individual Faculty: The Archives maintains alphabetical files of individual Hill School faculty and some administrative personnel.
- Faculty & committee information plus: The Archives maintains files of information pertaining to faculty, faculty committees, and other relative materials, such as Academic Council, administrative, various faculty committees, long range planning, faculty meeting minutes, class syllabi, faculty handbooks, grade cards, etc.
Notable Faculty Members: (Archives maintains additional materials on these people)
- Chancellor, Paul G.: Paul Chancellor was a former Hill School instructor of Humanities. Much of Chancellor’s information pertains to his book, The History of The Hill School: 1851-1976. There are additional files pertaining to him in the individual faculty files. He was a faculty member at The Hill School from 1925 -1967.
- Michener, James A.: American author James Michener was a former Hill School instructor of English from 1929 - 1931.
- Paconovsky, Karl M. (Karl Palmer): Karl Paconovsky was a faculty member at The Hill School from 1944 to 1972. He specialized in woodworking and mechanical drawing. The information in the Archives includes the Arts and Crafts Department log book from ~1952-1974.
- Rolfe, Alfred G.: Alfred Rolfe was a revered Hill School faculty member from 1890 to1942 (Headmaster from 1911-1914). Items related to him include a framed tribute to him for 50 years of service to The Hill School from Trustees; his framed college degree; copy of his last will & testament; copy of The World of Homer given to Paul Chancellor from Rolfe; a very large bound copy of letters to Rolfe honoring him for his 50 years of service to The Hill; and a copy of his memorial service at Hill.
- Sweeney, Michael F.: The Archives maintains extensive materials related to Michael Sweeney, The Hill School's first director of athletics, including his School publications as a coach and the director of athletics, correspondence, photographs, etc. He was a member of the faculty from 1896 to 1936.
Framed and Unframed Artwork / Framed Pictures
17” x 14” framed copy of a black & white photograph of campus, includes the Toboggan Run, Cottage, Music House, Annex, New Wing, and the Main Building – dated 1887
15” x 12” framed black & white photograph of the Hill Class of 1877, showing only four boys
14” x 11” framed black & white photograph of entire School (faculty and students), 1889
9” x 7” framed black & white photograph of John Meigs with faculty, wives, and children, circa late 1800s
9” x 7” framed black & white photograph of the Toboggan Run, which was on campus around 1888
10” x 8” framed black & white photograph of John Meigs’ study in the Main Building, which was also the same room in which he was born
15” x 12” framed black & white drawing of the Main Building, circa 1874
24" x 18” framed black & white drawing of aerial view of campus, archives has copies of this drawing which may have been used for an alumni memento in the past
21” x 17” framed black & white photograph of John Meigs
21” x 11” framed copy of a diagram of campus property, 1911, which was included in the front of the School catalogs from that time
16” x 13” framed original letter from John Meigs to a student’s (William Schearer) parent telling of his admirable academic work
Two 20”x 11” framed black & white photographs of a private kindergarten held at Hill School by a faculty wife, shown with seven children, including Marcia Meigs; the photographs were taken outside, there is information written, including names, on the back of the pictures; these two pictures are hanging on the wall in archives, circa 1916
26”x 12” framed collection of 4 color photographs of the current archives at its beginning with Dr. Henry Bender, circa 2009
21”x 15” framed color photograph of the 1998 Lawrenceville Weekend bonfire, photographed by Carl Gachet '81
23”x 19” framed color photograph of a Lawrenceville Weekend bonfire
Two 24”x 18” framed prints of artwork done by Klaus G. Grutzka, who was a Hill art teacher from 1982-1988; one is a watercolor of the Chapel including a portion of Middle School and the Memorial Room as viewed from the east; the second is a watercolor of a view of campus from the north, including Upper School and portions of Middle School and the Chapel.
24" x 18" watercolor by Klaus G. Grutzka of the School from the north, framed roughly to protect artwork, signed and dated 9/1985
10" x 13" framed watercolor/charcoal or pencil by Klaus G. Grutzka of the inside hull of ship housing a submarine (?), signed and dated 1942
19" x 13" framed watercolor by Klaus G. Grutzka of a river, signed and dated 1942
9" x 13" framed pen & ink/watercolor of deck of battleship (?), signature looks to be Grutzka
Two 21”x 17” framed pieces of original artwork done by Arthur de Sousa, who was a chemistry teacher at Hill from 1973-1974; one is a scene with a wire fence set in fields; the other is a rowboat tied at a shoreline.
Four 22” x 18” framed N.C. Wyeth prints that were sold at the Hill bookstore; they are numbered (all are # 5/300); they are prints from the original series of paintings that hang in the dining hall, which are the set which were painted for the book Poems of American Patriotism, chosen by Brander Matthews, illustrated by Wyeth; there is a copy of this book in the archives located in FC 7, D4 (signed by N.C. Wyeth and dated 1922); the four prints are titled: “The Old Continentals,” “Washington Serving Liberty,” “Paul Revere,” “Warren’s Address”
19” x 15” framed photograph of Headmaster James I. Wendell as a younger man, at water’s edge next to a canoe-type boat with a shotgun/rifle in his hand
32” x 27’ framed black & white picture of Headmaster James I. Wendell posing seated with commencement garb on and a book in his lap
Seven 32” x 24” framed, original sketches done by Paul Mauger while giving a talk at Hill
32” x 10” framed arrangement of three 8”x10” photographs; very old; two photographs are of a drama club play and the third is a posed yearbook photograph taken in front of the Chapel
12” x 9” framed print of pen & ink drawing done by Robert Ward, class of 1924; drawing is done from a photograph of the Main Building that he took while a student at the Hill in 1920; he made the drawing in 1974 for his 50th class reunion; there are more copies of this print, with the back story, located in FC7, D3
19” x 12” pencil drawing done by Carter Reese, Class of 1966 and teacher at Hill 1974-1988. It is a composite drawing of the 12 members of the 1975 Hill junior basketball squad; Willis Pierre was their coach
23” x 13” Plexiglas-covered copy of the front and back cover of “The Hill Ink”, which was a supplement to the local newspaper
13” x 11” picture of a photo collage done on a computer with four separate photographs; they are of Hill-Hotchkiss games from different years; it is titled “Remembering The Hill vs. Hotchkiss Tradition, October 20, 2001”; Archives has two more copies of this picture in the football files
15” x 13” framed print of painting done by William Merritt Chase, 1883, titled “A Prelude, Mrs. Meigs at the Piano-Organ”; the original is in a private collection; this depicts a young Mrs. John Meigs
14” x 13” framed print of Mrs. John Meigs; it appears as if the original was sepia and there is a faded Hill crest in the upper left corner of the picture
16” x 13” framed copy of the words telling the origin of the famous “Dirty Red Shirt” story in the rivalry between Hill and Lawrenceville school
22” x 18” framed photograph of a theatre play, circa 2004-2008
Two 19” x 14” framed copies of the “Doer’s Profile” page from Hill Ties, Fall 2004, depicting Neil Keegan ’90, Jonathan D. Kukulski ’93, and John F. Ramirez ’95
18” x 12” framed color photograph of Headmaster David Dougherty speaking at a commencement at a podium
10” x 8” framed black & white photograph of Mr. Bell and a student with a shotgun/rifle and trophy Cup; separate from this photograph is a small silver plate engraved with “Central Missouri State Uni Clay Target Postal 1st Lewis Class Spring 1983”
10” x 8” framed black & white photograph of a posed Trap Team, 1933-1934, includes names
10” x 8” framed black & white photograph of a posed Trap Team, 1934-1935, includes names
10” x 8” framed black & white photograph of a posed Rifle Team, 1934-1935, includes names
10” x 8” framed black & white photograph of a Skeet Team, 1935-1936, includes names; photo depicts boys outside at a range with Coach Bristol instructing
Two 15” x 12” framed color photographs of a gun club; one photo is posed outside, the other is outside at practice with one of the boys holding a trigger button with a cord
41” x 34” framed painting of George Washington (was hung in Levis Room for decades)
39” x 30” painting/print by Montague Dawson, depicting an old sailing ship on the ocean
21” x 17” framed black & white aerial photograph of Hill campus, 1920s
29" x 26" framed black & white photograph of visiting speaker, Robert Frost, speaking to a group of students and Headmaster Ed Hall, Nov.1961, photographed by faculty member George Whitely
23" x 19" framed watercolor of old Meigs house viewed from Headmaster's Garden, artist is George C. Thomas, II, class of 1952
25" x 29" framed blueprint titled "HILL SCHOOL CLUB" (aka The Weekend Camp, Gordon T. Clement), Ralph Shaner Engineer, 12/1932
29" x 26" framed black & white photograph of Dempsey vs. Tunney fight aka "Fight of the Century-and-a-Half", 9/23/1926, Bruce Murray Collection, including certificate of authenticity and story (The boxing ring in the photo was later given to The Hill School to use for their boxing program.)
17" x 14" framed black & white photograph of a boxing match at The Hill School, the boxing ring is the same ring used in the famous Dempsey vs. Tunney fight on 9/23/1926
18" x 25" framed list of some of Hill traditions and their explanations, used for display
17" x 14" framed water color of Chapel, numbered, artist Mary Ellen Mueller
22" x 16" unframed water color of Hill School viewed from High Street, artist Klaus Grutzka, appears to be a print that was actually signed by artist
43" x 12" framed collection of 3 black & white photographs, Crew photos - 2 posed of teams and 1 of an 8-man boat on water
20" x 16" matted, unframed blueprint of Hill, 1915
collection of 4 unframed original pieces done by Allison Wescott, wife of artist Paul Wescott, who was faculty member at Hill, Allison also did artwork for Alfred Rolfe's books, medium is chalk/pastel
17" x 13" framed pencil drawing of old Meigs house, looking from the north, artist is Elliot Wigginton, class of 1960
15" x 13" framed black & white photograph of James Gillison, class of 1929, with basketball in his hand
15" x 12" framed document from President of U.S. appointing Edward W. Hubbard (Hill class of 1912) to 2nd Lieutenant in the Field Artillery Section on August 15,1917
13" x 10" framed notice for Hill Bulletin from John C.F.Clarke, class of 1952, asking for children to be enrolled as mascots (12/18/1986)
10" x 8" framed pen and ink drawing of Chapel, done in 1988 by artist Kelly Hoffman, Pottstown HIgh School
11" x 9" framed "Views of The Hill" drawn by Gail Fronheiser, Pottstown Area Artists Guild
14" x 11" framed copy of one of earliest circulars of The Hill School, thought to be very first circular advertising the School
9" x 7" framed color photograph of Willis Pierre's Algebra I class, 2001-02
a collection of framed photographs depicting Hill traditions such as the L-ville bonfire, commencement jump into Dell, J-Ball, Strawberry Festival, seated meals (these pictures are from a display on traditions)
19" x 13" framed black & white photograph of Headmaster Wendell addressing The Hill School faculty, circa late 1940's
22" x 12" framed black & white photograph of New Wing and East Wing, taken by Alan Taplow, class of 1949, while a student
16" x 14" framed pastel (?) drawing of interior of Memorial Room, 1933, artist not decipherable
18" x 16" framed Hill diploma for Philip Rogers Mallory, dated June 8, 1904, signed by John Meigs and Alfred Rolfe
15" x 21" framed black and white photograph of Quad from point between Library and Middle School - uncommon vantage point - circa 1911
17" x 20" framed composite of The Hill School Faculty 1939-1940
20" x 22" framed photograph of the Championship Golf Team 1936, lists 6 student golfers and their year record
18" x 19" framed photograph collage of the "1399" Club, The Hill School 6th Form Leadership Award 2008
18" x 26" framed colored pencil-type drawing of the Academic Building
19" x 23" framed sepia-type photograph of the Cottage shortly after built, possibly circa 1850s; man, woman, 3 children on porch
14" x 14" framed needlepoint of The Hill School crest
8" x 10" framed black & white photograph of old dining room at Hill
17" x 14" framed black & white photograph of old footbridge at Dell (printed from glass negatives in Archives)
10" x 12" framed black & white photograph of Meigs home/main building (printed from glass negatives in Archives)
12" x 22" framed black & white photographs (2) of flags hanging from room windows (printed from glass negatives in Archives)
13" x 16" framed black & white photograph of students hanging out in front of old mailboxes
13" x 16" framed black & white photograph of two young students in beanies standing in front of and reading Hill sign
13" x 16" framed black & white photograph of Upper School through Middle School archway (printed from glass negatives in Archives)
13" x 16" framed black & white photograph of student cheerleader with live Hill mascot (ram) at L-ville game
17" x 21" framed black & white plot plan of Hill School campus, dated 1968
13" x 20" framed colored photograph on canvas of Upper School from Middle School porch, at nighttime ~ We also have a 17" x 21" framed photograph of the same image
13" x 20" framed colored photograph on canvas of Upper School, at nighttime
21" x 31" framed colored photograph on canvas of Chapel, at nighttime
21" x 22" framed group of 7 colored photographs, including Ira Harris, Candis & Helmut Stern, Tom Ruth, Mike Wallace in Michigan League Ballroom, 9/26/97
19" x 21" framed black & white photograph of 6 men running hurdles, inscribed is "Olympic Games - London, 1948, William F. Porter II, class of 1944"
18" x 20" framed colored photograph of back of library, at nighttime
19" x 26" framed colored pencil drawing of Middle School and part of Chapel, not signed
13" x 22" framed copy of speech made by Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pa on 11/19/1863
30" x 40" poster board photograph of The Hill School Quilt made by the Women of The Hill (along with materials from display)
Two 10” x 8” framed black & white photographs of Hill men’s soccer games, in action, not modern day
28” x 24” framed painting of Alfred Rolfe (bust shot); plaque at bottom of painting says “Alfred G. Rolfe, Master at The Hill, 1890-1942, Headmaster, 1911-1914; 1921-1922”; artist: Patra Cook (?)
27” x 21” framed painting of Charles R. Wylie, Jr. (bust shot), class of 1909, who was Doc Wylie’s son; Doc Wylie was class of 1881 and the Hill School physician from 1898-1925; artist: Ethel M. Buchanan, done in 1964, write-up on back of painting
33” x 27” framed painting of Alvan Markle (bust shot), class of 1878; artist: Joseph Chase; write-up attached to front, prefect graffiti on back
23” x 19” framed photograph of George Robins (waist-high, sitting in chair,) who was faculty at Hill from 1904-1940, 1950-1952, 1956-1957; Robins House, which was named for him, was dedicated in 1967; information taped to back
26” x 22” framed black & white photograph of Gordon Tripp Clement (sitting; waist high), class of 1929, died in his 5th form; the “Weekend Camp” located in Coventry was donated by his father; this is a copy of the painting that hung over the fireplace at the Weekend Camp; there is information taped to the back
16” x 14” framed pencil drawing of the Headmaster’s House (Meig’s Home), 1960; artist initials: E.E.W.
20” x 17” framed pen & ink drawing of the Meigs House done by Robert Allen Ward, class of 1924; this appears to be the original (?); he drew the picture from a photo he had taken as a student at Hill in 1920; this was given to the Hill at his class’s 50th reunion in 5/11/1974; there is information on the back; Archives also has copies of this picture with the backstory, located in FC7, D4
31” x 28” framed painting; the title is painted in at the bottom right corner of the picture: “Signing of Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919”; artist: John C. Johansen
35” x 30” framed painting depicting an older gentleman who looks to be in the garb of a judge and is sitting at a desk reviewing papers, with a gentleman in military garb standing at his side; Artist: John C. Johansen
23” x 23” framed painting of a military man sitting at a desk reviewing papers; written on the top left corner of the painting is “Earl Haig – Field Marshal” and some other writing that is indecipherable; artist: John C. Johansen
44” x 44” framed painting of two figures standing out on an open walkway with massively tall archways; on the lower right corner of the painting is “John C. Johansen 1919(?) Ecole(?) Militaire, Paris”
22” x 18” framed painting depicting a desk/table and chair in a formal room; at the top left corner of the painting is written “Douglas Volk, Cabinet Room, 10 Downing St. London, December 13, 1919”; artist: Douglas Volk
29” X 18” framed verses of poem written by Mr. Rolfe for the graduating seniors, class of 1930 (currently located on the balcony)
55” x 33” framed color drawing of campus; aerial view; circa ~ 2002-2006
42” x 30” unframed poster board renderings of the Academic Building; Feb.1997, titled Middle School Building; Chatelain Architects; 2 prints
50” x 36” framed color drawing of campus master plan; aerial view; January 1996; by Robert Lamb Hart, Planners & Architects
28” x 22” framed collage for the Sixth Form Leadership Award honoring Douglas Alexander Warner, III (Sandy)
28” x 22” framed collage for the Sixth Form Leadership Award honoring Frederick Barton Harvey, III
34” x 29” framed painting by Dorothy Van H. Harrison, depicting a landscape scene titled “Afterglow”
33” x 28” framed watercolor depicting Portsmouth Harbor; titled “The Dreadnought and The Victory”
29” x 21” framed painting titled “Spider’s Parler”; cannot decipher artist’s name
18" x 15" framed print titled "The Old Farm Gate" - published by Currier & Ives
18" x 15" framed print titled "The Old Homestead" - published by Currier & Ives
22" x 42" - 2 framed prints (oil/pastel?) a ballet, signature might be "Degas"?
30” x 22” framed watercolor painting by Klaus G. Grutzka; titled “The Hill School from below Beech Street”; November 1985; signed on back
30” x 20” unframed photographs on poster board (7); circa 1998-1999; photographed by Carl Gachet; subjects are students and Dell Dormitories, as both were new to Hill
24” x 20” unframed photographs on poster board (4); subjects are students using the squash courts and field house gymnasium courts
24” x 18” unframed poster board; black and white site plan for the campus; 9/27/2000; by Cannondesign
18” x 15” framed print titled “The Cries of London” (Two Bunches a Penny, Primroses); circa 1928; it is engraved in pure stipple and printed on vellum by L. Dupont, who may have signed it on the front; this is an exquisite example of color printing direct from the copper plate at one passage only through the press
21” x 18” framed color photograph of the back of Memorial Hall in darkness with lights on
21” x 17” framed black & white photograph of a posed group of trustees (24) outdoors
14” x 11” framed black & white photograph of a group of six trustees sitting in the Headmaster’s study, some identified as Mestres, McAlpin, Markle, and Hutton
12” x 10” framed color photograph taken by Wade Barnett, class of 1980, of a wall at Foxy’s Island Bar on the island of Jost Van Dyke in the Caribbean, 11/1992, with an attached poem-letter to Chuck and Biddy Watson; the feature of the photo is a white cotton “Gilligan” hat with “THE HILL” in a blue band (same as ones we have in the archive collection) and this hat is hung from the bar wall along with memorabilia from other places
16” x 14” framed black & white photograph of a reunion picture, class of 1985; taken at Hill
13” x 10” framed notice from Bill Hazard, class of 1961, announcing birth of son
10” x 8” framed black & white photograph of posed Hill Baseball Team 1910
13” x 11” framed appreciation plaque from Pottstown Police – May 1996
15” x 13” framed color photograph of two alumni (’50) unveiling a print of N.C.Wyeth, from the collection given to the School by Michael Sweeney; several prints were made to copy damaged originals
9” x 7” unframed copy of charcoal drawing of Meigs House (Admissions Office) – cannot decipher artist’s name (initials SL ?)
Five black framed 10” x 8” black & white photographs of Hill School activities. i.e. – the 1935-36 school skeet team out shooting
37” x 14” framed picture that includes three 8” x 10” black & white photographs of posed Hill athletics teams; track, football, baseball (1911)
37” x 14” framed picture that includes three 8” x 10” black & white photographs of posed Hill athletics teams; baseball, football, track (1912)
13” x 10” framed black & white photograph of a posed Hill championship basketball team, 1935; signed by each person in photo
16” x 13” framed black & white photograph of a posed Hill football team, date unknown but appears very old
14” x 12” framed black & white photograph of a posed Hill track team; owner’s name on back is Lewis M. Firey, class of 1924
16” x 14” framed black & white photograph of a posed Hill baseball team; date unknown but appears very old
23” x 22” framed picture includes 13 posed black & white photographs of the 1921 Hill football individual team members, plus one photo of the team, and their season game scores
13” x 12” framed black & white photograph of the posed “Sixth Squad of The Hill School – year of 1942” (football)
21” x 18” framed black & white photograph of a posed Hill 1900 football team
16” x 16” framed black & white photograph of a posed 1914 Hill baseball team, includes their season scores and team member’s names
16” x 16” framed black & white photograph of a posed 1913 Hill baseball team, includes their season scores and team member’s names
16” x 16” framed black & white photograph of a posed 1912 Hill baseball team, includes their season scores and team member’s names
39” x 24” framed picture including six 8” x 10” black & white photographs of Hill baseball teams from the years 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, and 1904
34” x 31” framed picture including 11 black & white photographs of each member of the 1907 Hill football team, a photo of Mike Sweeney, and a photo of the team
16” x 16’ framed black & white photograph of a posed Hill 1913 football team with their season games scores and team roster inscribed
31” x 25” framed black & white photograph composite of “1963-1964 The Hill School Masters Club”
30” x 24” framed black & white photograph composite of “The Hill School Faculty 1939-1940”
57” x 10” framed black & white photograph of the entire School, students and faculty, out in the Quad, 1920
13” x 10” framed black & white photographs of each Hill School Headmaster from John Meigs through Charles Watson, eight pictures in total and a framed black & white photograph (10” x 7”) of the School’s founder, Matthew Meigs
35” x 14” framed collection of eight 5” x 7” black & white photographs of The Hill School campus, circa 1911
47” x 8” framed black & white photograph of the entire School, students and faculty, out in the Quad, circa 1911
15” x 14” framed black & white photograph of the Headmaster’s Garden
22” x 18” framed sketch of the Main Building prior to the fire of 1973; done by Louis T. Klauder & Associates, 12/14/1973
38” x 26” framed collection of thirty (3” x 4.5”) colored photographs of the November 30, 1973 fire on The Hill School campus
38” x 26” framed color aerial photograph of The Hill School campus
22” x 17” framed color aerial photograph of The Hill School campus, November 2000
22” x 17” framed color aerial photograph of The Hill School campus, November 2000
14” x 12” framed black & white aerial photograph of The Hill School campus
25” x 21” framed black & white aerial photograph of The Hill School campus
38” x 30” framed color photograph of the back of Memorial Hall, illuminated in darkness
30” x 20” framed color photograph of aerial view of The Dell Dormitories
30” x 20” framed color photograph of aerial view of The Hill School campus, showing construction in progress of Mercer Field House
38” x 26” framed computer-generated, black and white photograph collage of a Hill function involving alumni, held during the Fall of Hill’s Centennial Celebration
30” x 23” framed flag that was carried on the first aerial flight over the North Pole on May 12, 1926, by Lincoln Ellsworth, Hill Class of 1900 (removed to Archives room)
16” x 13” framed original of first message from Lincoln Ellsworth, sent from the North Pole to the New York Times (removed to Archives
17” x 14” framed original letter to Headmaster Wendell from Lincoln Ellsworth, dated May 28, 1931, telling of his gift to
The Hill, which was a medal (located in FC 2)) and the flag previously listed, along with his sentiments to The Hill students (removed to Archives room)
28” x 22” framed color posters (10) depicting the highlights of the School’s history from its beginning in 1851, through the year 2000
The Archives maintains a collection of framed headmaster photographs, which consists of all headmasters up to and including Headmaster Watson. There is also a set of framed headmaster photographs hanging on the wall of the third floor in the John P. Ryan Library, and in the Headmaster's office.
The Archives maintains a collection of files for each headmaster of The Hill School. These files contain items such as correspondence, photographs, speeches, etc.
Note: Archives maintains an additional box for the Meigs family with further information on the family members, including photographs.
Photographs and Glass Negatives
The Archives maintains a vast amount of photographs and photo albums. Many photographs do not have names or dates attached to them. We have developed categories to best suit the assortment in our possession. The Archives also maintains a cherished collection of approximately 300 glass negatives. A number of these have been scanned and printed.
Loose Photographs
Alumni Days / Weekends / Reunions
Special Events / Fundraising Events
Faculty / Speakers / Trustees
Commencements / Cadets & Military Camps
Summer Programs / Various Camps
Student Life Indoors / Outdoors
Theatre / Drama
Musical – Vocal / Instrumental
Posed Groups – Identified
Posed Groups – Unidentified
Cross Country Track / Track & Field
Various Athletics / Athletics Clubs
Campus Buildings
Campus - Specific Outdoor Venues / Aerials
Building Interiors / Campus Exteriors
Photo Albums
W. Russell Bowie, Class of 1900 and Chauncey Hamlin, Class of 1899
Lawrence Cranewoods, Jr., Class of 1918
Irving Duncan Fish, Class of 1908 (displayed)
School trip to Jamaica, 1899, Gift to John Meigs
W.M. Krane, Class of 1900
Marion Meigs, ~1900
Lucio M. Mintzer, Class of 1910 (displayed)
F. Dana Payne, Class of 1912
Unknown (2), ~1894
Unknown, ~1895
Unknown (2), date unknown
Unknown, ~1900s
Unknown, ~1896-1911
Unknown, 1890s
Unknown, ~1901
Unknown, ~1895
Unknown, ~1982-83
Unknown, Gift from James D. Sheppard
Album made by Development Office, ~1990s +
Album made by Willis Pierre, 1998-99, construction of Academic Building and other views of campus circa 1900-1901, owner unknown, compilation of photographs and photographs from School publications, very extraordinary pictures! - given to School by Bill Sharon, who is currently employed by Pottstown Borough (2018)
Album made by food service of food prep and display for Hill events, 1994-1996
Albums made by food service of food prep and display for Hill events, 1996-1997, one small and one medium-sized album
Photo Album circa 1985-1990 - candid shots of boys
Glass Negatives
The following list is in no particular order and contains glass negatives of an assortment of topics:
"The Eyes of Texas" - Lyrics
"Good Night Poor Lawrenceville" - Lyrics
"Lord Geoffrey Amherst" - Lyrics
"Caisson Song" - Lyrics
"The Hill School Song" - Lyrics
"Touchdown" - Lyrics
"Hill, Dear Old Hill!" - Lyrics
"The Princeton Cannon Song" - Lyrics
"Old Folks at Home" - Lyrics
"The Loveliest Night of the Year" - Lyrics
"Far Above Cayuga's Waters" - Lyrics
"Because of You" - Lyrics
"March to Victory" - Lyrics
"Auld Lang Syne" - Lyrics
"I Been Working' on de Railroad" - Lyrics
"Anchors Aweigh" - Lyrics
"Bull Dog" - Lyrics
"Gone Fishin'" – Lyrics
"Silent Night" - Lyrics
"Down the Field" - Lyrics
"Up the Street" - Lyrics
"The Big Red Team" - Lyrics
"Old Nassau" - Lyrics
“Yard by Yard” – Lyrics
Baseball team – 1882?
Baseball team – 1889
Baseball team – 1920
Baseball team – year?
Baseball team – year?
Baseball team – year?
Baseball – action shot with Hotchkiss – 1890's
Football team – 1890
Football team – 1900
Football team – 1919
Football team – 1920
Football – Manny Holabird posing in uniform
Track team – 1900
Track – action shots, one with John Overton
Outdoor gym – “Boxing Day”
Military – officers of the battalion ~ 1890 – Colonel Shereton (?)
Military – military camp – 1917
Military – battalion in formation in front of Upper School – 1917
Military – military camp – “Company Street” – 1917
Campus views (inside) -- old gym/common room
Campus views (inside) – school room ~1885
Campus views (inside) – dining room ~1900
Campus views (outside) – tennis courts, located where Upper School sits
Campus views (outside) – Memorial Hall and Library, Cottage in background
Campus views (outside) – main entrance on High Street
Campus views (outside) – Dell with footbridge
Campus views (outside) – Upper School from Dell
Campus views (outside) – Infirmary – 1918
Campus views (outside) – King St. from campus, Tennis Courts on right
Campus views (outside) – Annex, New Wing, Main Building, Power House
Campus views (outside) – porte-cochere at main building, Middle School
Students – Mandolin club ~1904
Students – students singing on platform of old classroom - 1892
Students – entire school on steps – 1887
Students – Douglas Prizer – joy orations
Faculty – Mr. Sweeney and Mr. Turner
Students – “Flight of Aureas” play – 1899
Students – “Victory” play at Dell Theatre
Faculty – young Rolfe with tennis racket and Etruscan vase
Students – Class of 1886
Students – laying cornerstone of Alumni Chapel – 6/1902
Greece – 2 negatives
Yale team photo – 2 negatives
The following glass negatives are related to athletics:
68. Basketball – posed shot of player
69. Boxing – outdoor matches and spectators
70. Baseball – two boys posed in baseball “letter” sweaters
71. Baseball – action shot at base
72. Baseball – action shot at base
73. Baseball – action shot at bat (no glass backing on negative)
74. Baseball – action shot at home plate (no glass backing on negative)
75. Baseball – action shot at bat (no glass backing on negative)
76. Baseball – action shot at bat (no glass backing on negative)
77. Baseball – action shot at home plate (no glass backing on negative)
78. Baseball – action shot at home plate (no glass backing on negative)
79. Baseball – action shot at home plate (no glass backing on negative)
80. Baseball – spectator stands where current Colbath Track is located (no glass backing on negative)
81. Baseball – posed team
82. Baseball – posed team
83. Track & field – overview of a meet
84. Track & field – runners start
85. Track & field – runners mid-race or end of race
86. Track & field – overview of a meet
87. Track & field – pole-vaulter mid-vault
88. Track & field – runners mid-race or end of race
89. Track & field – runners mid-race or end of race
90. Track & field – hurdlers mid-race
91. Track & field – runners start
92. Track & field – runners start
93. Track & field – runners in race
94. Track & field – runners setting up to start
95. Track & field – spectator stands during meet
96. Track & field – possible runners start
97. Track & field – overview of a meet
98. Track & field – runner’s start
99 - 103. Track & field – posed athletes
104 - 131. Football – action shots
132 - 139. Football – action shots (no glass backing)
140. Football – spectator stands during game (no glass backing)
141. Football – Marching Band on Dell field (no glass backing)
142. Football - Marching Band on Dell field (no glass backing)
143. Football – posed shot of player (no glass backing)
144 - 152. Football – posed shots of players
153. Football (?) – posed shot of player
154. Football (?) – posed shot of player
155. Football – posed team photo – 1905
156. Football – posed team photo – 1908
157. Football – posed team photo – 1907
158. Football – posed team photo
159. Football – posed team photo
160. Football – posed team photo with Trophy Cup and coach
161. Football – posed team photo with Trophy Cup and coaches
The following glass negatives are focused on people:
162. Portrait – Harold G. Conley, faculty-employee
163. Portrait – William S. Cushing, faculty
164. Portrait – Henry B. Dillard, Jr., faculty
165. Portrait – Ambrose Freese, faculty
166. Portrait – Raymond l. Grismer, faculty
167. Portrait – Kenneth Howard, faculty- administration
168. Portrait – Chris F. Kogel, faculty
169. Portrait – Dwight Meigs, headmaster
170. Portrait – Ralph Russell, faculty-employee
171. Portrait – Nathanial Slaymaker, Jr., faculty
172. Portrait – Harold R. Smart, faculty
173. Portrait – John W. Spaeth, Jr., faculty
174. Portrait – Jasper Jacob Stahl, faculty
175. Portrait – Fred D. Suydam, faculty-employee
176. Portrait – Isaac Thomas, faculty
177. Portrait – Luther Weston Turner, faculty
178. Portrait – Stanley G. Ward, faculty-employee
179. Portrait – unidentified, student?
180 - 189. Portrait – unidentified students
190. Groups posed – instrumental group
191. Groups posed – males in tuxedos, choral group?
192. Groups posed – large group of males on Middle School Porch
193. Groups posed – large group of males on Middle School Porch
194. Groups posed – large group of males in front of Chapel
195 - 200. Campus with people – 1920 “Class Day Exercises” on West Lawn (current Headmaster’s Garden)
201. Campus with people – “Class Day Exercises” on Meigs House porch
202. Campus with people – “Class Day Exercises” on Meigs House porch
203. Campus with people – “Class Day Exercises” on Meigs House porch
204. Campus with people – “Class Day Exercises” on Meigs Mansion porch
205. Campus with people – boys marching to Baccalaureate in front of Upper School
206. Campus with people – dedication of plaque on wall for John Meigs outside of Chapel
207. Campus with people – gathering outside of Chapel, Upper School in background
208. Campus with people – gathering outside of Chapel, “Hillrise” in background
209. Campus with people – gathering outside of Chapel (glass negative and print)
210 -213. Campus with people – dedication of Widener Science Building
214. Campus with people – seated gathering outside
215. Campus with people – Upper School with Hill and college flags displayed from windows
The following glass negatives show interiors of buildings:
216. Campus interiors – Middle School library room looking west
217. Campus interiors – old swimming pool located in basement of New Wing
218. Campus interiors – Middle School library room looking west
219. Campus interiors – Main Classroom in New Wing; can view on back wall the “Head of School,” the last one being Byron Hunsberger in 1896, and on the “Head of Form” board, the Winter Term has not been posted, deducing the photo was taken during Winter Term in the school year 1896-97
220. Campus interiors – Main Classroom in New Wing; can view the last “Head of School” listed was 1890, first one being 1877, and on the fireplace is inscribed “Add to your Faith Virtue and to Virtue Knowledge”
221. Campus interiors – dining room looking west, appears to be an adult dinner with a woman at the end of the table (negative broken in two pieces)
222. Campus interiors – dining room looking east; note fireplace is located in same position as current fireplace
The following glass negatives show The Hill School campus exteriors:
223. Campus exteriors – view from the south of Main Building and Power House
224. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of Main Building and High Street entrance
225. Campus exteriors – view from west of Main Building; part of New Wing to the left
226. Campus exteriors – view from east under archway of New Wing looking at drive along north side of Main Building; note the two VERY old bicycles parked under the archway and the flag pole situated on the north side of roof; this must have been taken pre-1884 when the porte-cochere was installed on the Main Building (negative is broken into 3 pieces)
227. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of Main Building; part of Middle School in left background; entrance to the right
228. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of Main Building; Power Plant and entrance on right
229. Campus exteriors – view from northwest of Main Building; part of New Wing on left
230. Campus exteriors – view from south of Main Building and Power Plant; note that High Street in the foreground is dirt and wall is not yet built, dating it pre-1899
231. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of Main Building; note that it is after John Meigs’ first construction (1884) but the “sky parlor” (which was known as Mrs. John’s office) was not yet built on top of the original home
232. Campus exteriors – view from west of Main Building
233. Campus exteriors – view from High Street (south) of Main Building and Power Plant
234. Campus exteriors – view from southeast of Main Building; New Wing and Annex to the right
235. Campus exteriors – view from north of Main Building
236. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of Main Building; Power Plant to the right
237. Campus exteriors – view from west of west entrance and Main Building; Power Plant in right background
238. Campus exteriors – view from southeast of Main Building, New Wing, Annex; note that this photo captures a rare time frame between the completion of John Meigs’ first construction to the Main Building in 1884 and the fire which destroyed it a few months later in the same year
239. Campus exteriors – view from north of Main Building and Annex; tennis courts in foreground; Power House to left of Annex
240. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of corner of Main Building partially obscured by trees; note the two figures on the porch
241. Campus exteriors – view from northwest of Main Building and New Wing; note ladder on roof
242. Campus exteriors – view from southeast of Main Building and part of New Wing; note that it appears to be taken from High Street before the wall was built
243. Campus exteriors – view from Main Building porch looking south towards High Street; entrance drive showing left to right in photo
244. Campus exteriors – view from west of Annex, New Wing, Main Building; left background shows back of Cottage; circa 1884-1887
245. Campus exteriors – view from east of New Wing; part of Chaplain’s Cottage to the right; the Main Building can be seen through archway
246. Campus exteriors – view from west of Middle School; West Wing, Annex, New Wing, and Main Building are all shown
247. Campus exteriors – view from west of Middle School West Wing and part of New Wing
248. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of Middle School porch
249. Campus exteriors -- view from west of Annex, New Wing, Main Building; part of Power Plant can be seen through archway
250. Campus exteriors – view from southwest of Middle School West Wing, Annex, New Wing
251. Campus exteriors – view from west of Middle School, New Wing, porte-cochere to Main Building
251-A. Campus exteriors - view from west of Middle School, New Wing, and Main Building
252. Campus exteriors – view from west of Middle School East Wing; part of Chaplain’s Cottage is through trees to the right
253. Campus exteriors – view from southeast of Middle School East Wing; part of New Wing to the left; banners hanging from dorm windows
254. Campus exteriors – view from west of Middle School West Wing, Annex, New Wing
255. Campus exteriors – view from west of circular drive; side view of Chaplain’s Cottage to left
256. Campus exteriors – view from east of circular drive; background buildings are: top of Main Building, bottom of New Wing, Chaplain’s Cottage, and the Cottage; far background shows “Hillrise,” deducing that the Chapel is not yet built; determining photo to be pre-1902
257. Campus exteriors – view from east of circular drive; background buildings are: Main Building, New Wing, Chaplain’s Cottage, Annex, the Cottage, and on the left is a very small part of Power Plant; note bicycle parked at Chaplain’s Cottage
258. Campus exteriors – view from east of circular drive with fountain in center; Chaplain’s Cottage to right of fountain; top of Main Buildingin left center; part of New Wing behind fountain
259. Campus exteriors – view from east of Chapel
260. Campus exteriors – view from east of Chapel
261. Campus exteriors – view from east of Chapel; note clock mounted on turret
262. Campus exteriors – view from northeast of Chapel; note clock on turret
263. Campus exteriors – view from south of Chapel
264. Campus exteriors – view from south of Chapel
265. Campus exteriors – view from south of Chapel; Middle School porch to right
266. Campus exteriors – view from northeast of Chapel; part of “Hillrise” to right
267. Campus exteriors – view from south of Chapel
268. Campus exteriors – view from south of Chapel and Middle School porch
269. Campus exteriors – view south of Chapel door; note school seal in upper window (pre-1946)
270. Campus exteriors – view from southeast of Upper School; possibly “the San” to the right
271. Campus exteriors – view from east of Upper School; possibly porch of “the San” to left
272. Campus exteriors – view from southeast of Upper School
273. Campus exteriors – view from west of Chaplain’s Cottage, front porch of The Cottage, the Meigs’ House (“Hillside”)
274. Campus exteriors – view from west of The Cottage; grass tennis court in foreground
275. Campus exteriors – view from west of The San, the Cottage, Middle School, Main Building
276. Campus exteriors – view from west of Toboggan Run, baseball stands, the Cottage, Annex, New Wing, Main Building; circa pre-1887
277. Campus exteriors – view of an athletic event; stands full of spectators; band in chairs
278. Campus exteriors – view from the south of the outdoor Dell Theatre stage area with center aisle walkway
279. Campus exteriors – view from northeast of the Dell; immediately following the intentional damming of the creek to form the Dell
280. Campus exteriors – view of the Dell after intentional damming and flooding to form it
281. Campus exteriors – view of the Dell
282. Campus exteriors – view of the Dell
283. Campus exteriors – view from northeast of the lawn west and south of Main Building
284. Campus exteriors – view from Main Building window looking west, overlooking west lawn and walkway to Entrance Drive
285. Campus exteriors –2 aerials of campus; one black & white, one color
286. Campus exteriors – view from north of entire campus
287. Campus exteriors – vista from a hilltop
288. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of grassy area and tree lines
289. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of dirt drive through trees
290. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of grassy fields, fences, trees
291. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of dirt road with cobbles, trees, wood seating areas; most likely High Street entrance; can see a walkway
292. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of wooded area with old fence
293. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of water and trees – Dell? (broken into 2 pieces)
294. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of two figures, dirt road, horse, fence
295. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of a landscape
296. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of dirt road and trees
297. Campus exteriors – unidentified photo of a creek
Hill School Publications
- School Publications
- Miscellaneous Publications
- Student Publications
- Hill School Hobby House Press / Additional Books
School Publications
The Dial yearbook, The Hill News, Hill Ties magazine, etc.
The Archives maintains the following:
A complete collection of The Dial yearbook, including the very first one for the School year 1896-97.
An incomplete collection of bound and loose copies of The Record (student literary journal) dating from 1888 through to the most current issue. note: There is a mounted, original issue of the very first Record stored in the Archives room.
An incomplete collection of bound and loose issues of The Hill School Bulletin dating from 1921 - 1996.
An incomplete collection of bound and loose copies of The Hill News (student newspaper) dating from 1903 to current issues.
An incomplete collection of Hill Ties dating from 1990 to current issues.
Hill catalogs, directories, etc.:
The Archives maintains the following:
An incomplete collection of bound and loose Hill School catalogs dating from 1884 to current publications. Note: The "Miscellaneous Files" contain a file of The Hill School’s earliest catalogs, more accurately described as circulars. These date back to Matthew Meigs, founder of The Hill School.
A small collection of Hill School admission viewbooks, which are pictorial-style publications about The Hill School.
A collection of Hill School Alumni Directories. The earliest publication is from 1907. There are continual publications from that year forward. The earlier directories were titled under The Record and then The Bulletin.
A collection of Hill School calendars from the early 1900s to modern times. These calendars feature many wonderful photos of The Hill School.
A collection of Hill School student handbooks from the early 1900s to modern times.
Miscellaneous Publications
The following miscellaneous publications (collections are incomplete) are maintained in the Archives:
- Memorial Hall War Service Record (HSAA)
- You and Your Boarding School (Edward T. Hall) – 1967
- The Blue Book - student and faculty/staff directory
- The Hill School Directory
- Go Hill – an admission newsletter written for prospective students and friends of The Hill
- Doing Your Work Well (Hill School, Dept. of Personnel Study)
- A Handbook of Guidance for Boys Who Are to Enter the Service (Headmaster Wendell) – 2/19/1945
- The Hill School in War Time – 1942-1943
- Hill Faces – a pamphlet of pictures of all students/faculty
- Hill Profiles
- Immediate Response Handbook for Crises Management (Hill School under Headmaster Dougherty)
- College Preparation Education for Service (HSAA)
- Directory of Students Entering The Hill School – (The Press Club) – 1956
- A Resume of The Hill School (HSAA) Headmaster Wendell Administration
- The Hill School Blue Book – Hill School rules and regulations
- Cookbook - To Serve Them All Our Days - 1986 - Women of The Hill
- Cookbook - The Hill School Cookbook, recipes from around the world featured at the Food Fair, undated
- Around The Quad - online newsletter for faculty and staff
- The Weather Vane - online newsletter for parents
- Center Stage - newsletter (later online) advertising CFTA events, particularly the Lively Arts Series
- The State of The Hill - publication from The 1851 Society
Student Publications
The Archives maintains a collection of student publications, most of which no longer exist:
- The Basic News
- The Bi-line
- The Hill Chaps Book
- The Color of the Dream
- Center Stage
- Chinese Magazine
- The Dell Wave
- Dragon
- Epic England
- The Fourth Floor
- Geometry According to Us
- Hill Headlines
- Hill Heritage
- Hill Junior
- The Ink Well
- The Junior Record
- Literary Enquirer
- Methinks
- Midas’s Touch
- Mysteries
- Poetry Contest 1963-1964
- The Poets
- The Razor
- Salon des Rufuses
- The Hill Scroll
- Short Stories 1916
- The Hill Record Sieve
- The Snooze
- The Steam Tunnel
- The Stylus
- Thirty Themes
- Hill Times
- Hill Topics
- Troy Book
- Hill School Verse
- Visions & Revisions
- Whatsoever Things – the Newsletter
Hill School Hobby House Press / Additional Books
The Archives maintains nine large boxes of printing samples dating from 1936 through 1951, when the School's press was in operation.
The Archives maintains a few collections of books written by former Hill School faculty members and alumni. Some of these books are:
- Mr. Rolfe of The Hill - Boyd Edwards/Isaac Thomas/Rolfe
- As I Saw Them – Alfred G. Rolfe
- The History of The Hill School: 1851-1976 – Paul Chancellor
- Have Faith in Youth – Boyd Edwards
- Mike Sweeney of The Hill – Michael F. Sweeney
- Master of The Hill – Walter Russell Bowie
- A School Near Philadelphia – David D. Dodge '56
- DLSF – Willis J. Pierre
- A Tablet on a Wall – Willis J. Pierre
- Whatsoever Things Are True (Volumes 1 and 2) – Willis J. Pierre
Note: There is also a collection of books written by or about The Hill School, its faculty, and/or alumni. This collection is currently housed in shelving located on the second floor (north side) of the Library.
Special School Events
Commencement / Reunions / Special On-Campus Events: The Archives maintains information pertaining to yearly Commencement events; Hill School Reunions (i.e. mailings, appeals, programs, etc.); and a variety of special on-campus events (Parents Weekend, Opening Day, Career Day, etc.). Some of these events no longer take place.
School Anniversary Events: The Archives maintains information pertaining to the anniversary celebrations of the School’s founding in 1851, such as a bound copy of congratulatory letters from around the world for The Hill School Centennial Celebration (1951), dishes, a looped rug, banners, and other artifacts/information that relate to the major anniversaries of the School.
Exhibits / Speakers / Concerts: The Archives maintains information pertaining to a variety of exhibits, shows, speakers, concerts, etc., that were held at The Hill School. This includes programs such as Paidaia, Bissell Forum, Humanities Fund, and the Sanford Arts Festival, which are no longer in existence.
Admissions / College Advising: The Archives maintains some information pertaining to College Advising and Admissions for Hill students. This includes articles, a Moulton-Ransome marketing report 1991, conferences, campus tour, etc.
Camps / Summer Programs: The Archives maintains some information pertaining to summer programs held at The Hill School, as well as Hill School-related camps which no longer exist, such as the Gordon T. Clement Camp, Wolfboro Camp, etc.
Note: There are photographs of summer programs and the camps located with the loose photographs.
Student Life
Student Organizations: The Archives maintains information pertaining to student organizations and clubs, many of which no longer exist:
- Camera Club
- Civics Club
- Current Events Club
- Debating Club/Speech Club
- Drama Club – includes programs
- Faculty plays
- English Club
- Glee Club
- Hill School musical programs
- Hilltones songs
- Hill song contest – 1958
- Hill song sheets
- Hill School hymn
- Hill songs
- Hill School songbooks and hymnals
- Hill School Marching Song
- Gun Club
- Hilarity Club – 1891
- Jazz Club
- Junior Achievement Club
- Literary Club
- Press Club
- Shakespeare Club/ Dell Theatre
- Student – Faculty Senate
- Student Government Association – includes form constitutions
- tudent Philanthropy Council
- “Y” Braves
- YMCA meeting programs
Notes: The Archives maintains additional information pertaining to The Junior Achievement Club, such as Blue & Gray Investments, Hill Ink, Hill Chronicle, etc., kept in FC12. The Archives also maintains four photo albums depicting various woodworking projects and exhibits at The Hill School.
Student Athletics: The Archives maintains files for Hill School sports. This includes any information related to athletics in general, as well as files for individual sports. There is a large collection of programs for various athletic events. Archives also maintains files pertaining to the Hill-Lawrenceville rivalry through the years. Archives also has a 12" x 18" booklet, prepared by Tom W. Richey, Jr., class of 1950, documenting the amazing undefeated season that The Hill School football team had in 1949.
Textiles (Clothing and Fabric Items)
The Archives maintains a number of boxes that store various clothing articles and items made of fabrics. We collectively label these items as "textiles." They are some of our best treasures and we enthusiastically welcome any such gifts. We have an assortment of items, such as cadet uniforms, sport coats, a white dress, some athletic clothing, shirts, sweaters, ties, scarfs, a variety of hats and caps, blankets and banners, etc.
Below are descriptions of a few interesting articles:
- Philip Rogers Mallory, Class of 1904
- Three Hill School Band jackets
- Framed diploma from Hill School, signed by John Meigs
- Edwin Pugsley, Class of 1904
- Cadet uniform – green jacket, pants, and cap
- Cadet uniform – yellow jacket and pants
- Military cap – blue with “HSCC” at front of cap
- Henry J. Colbath - Hill faculty (born 1888, died 1956)
- Military Uniform – khaki jacket, pants, cap, leather riding chaps and belts
*Henry J. Colbath was a member of the faculty at The Hill School from 1910 to 1918, when he entered the service, returning to The Hill in 1919, where he taught until he retired in 1953. He was the last surviving faculty member hired by John Meigs. He was a very well respected master of The Hill.
- Military Uniform – khaki jacket, pants, cap, leather riding chaps and belts
- Pierpont Page, Class of 1899
- Cadet uniform – navy blue jacket, pants, vest, cap, and a framed photo of Page
- Wolcott Julius Humphrey, Class of 1896
- Military sword with leather sheath & helmet - helmet is made of white canvas with a gold/brass "HS" on top. Items donated by his grandson, Peter G. Humphrey, class of 1972.
- Jessica Joan Venarchik, Class of 1999
- White dress worn during Commencement and during celebratory jump into the Dell (May 22, 1999). Jessica is a member of the “1399 Club” - the first 13 females to graduate from The Hill School (all 13 were admitted to Hill as sixth formers during the first year of coeducation, 1998-99).
- 1937 cream-colored School sport coat with blue piping and The Hill crest on the breast pocket
- 1942 cream-colored School sport coat with The Hill crest on the breast pocket (Lawrence S. Bosworth Jr., class of 1942)
- 1932 cream-colored sport coat with blue piping and The Hill crest on the breast pocket (Thomas Midgley, class of 1932)
- Hill School baseball jersey worn by David L. Holmgren, Class of 1947
- Hill School baseball jersey worn by Jeremy E. Johnson, Class of 1946
- Hill School football jersey circa 1940s
- United States of America Flag - flown in honor of Hill School over Camp Eggers in Kabul, Afghanistan, on 5/27/2013, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, given by Lt. Frederick Carreon, Jr., class of 1990
- Dark blue wool sweat suit (James Kaufmann, class of 1964) presumably used by swimmers, turtle neck top, zippers on pant legs
The Archives maintains important items that may not fall into established categories. Until the time where they find a grouping to belong under, they will be found in "Miscellaneous."
Hill School Fires:
- The Archives maintains a variety of materials pertaining to the three major fires that occurred in The Hill School’s history (newspaper articles, photographs, publications, restoration, etc.) The three fires occurred in 1884, 1890, and 1973.
Women of The Hill:
- The Archives maintains various files and information pertaining to the Women of The Hill - an organization formed mostly of faculty wives in its early years when it was called the Woman's Club. Today, Women of The Hill is also comprised of women who are employed by and otherwise associated with The Hill School. Much of the information in the Archives is not current.
Newspaper Clippings:
- The Archives stores various newspapers and clippings about The Hill School. We have a newspaper from as far back as November 20, 1896. There are other newspaper clippings in files and locations within the Archives Room.
Miscellaneous Files:
The Archives maintains files pertaining to a variety of Hill School history and information. This is a “drop place” for information that does not have a category, yet it is important enough to be preserved. It is quite diverse and there are some very special files in this collection. These files should not be overlooked when doing research. The list of files in no particular order are:
- Sinking Gold Bonds (for Hill School)
- Hill School Stock Certificates
- Traditions at Hill - articles
- Philadelphia Magazine Hill School article, 12/1995
- Christmas Booklet written by student, 1907
- The Grill menu, 1940
- Hill enrollment, Hill income, other financial information, 1920-1951
- Commencement procedures for faculty, 1965
- Gifts / Memorials to Hill, up to 1957
- Rules & Regulations, miscellaneous, for students
- Students Coping with a Disaster, 9/12/2001
- Archives' articles written for Hill Ties
- Facebook articles, 2013
- Hill School Themes, Policies, and Goals, miscellaneous
- Hill School Phone Directory, 1968
- Computers, IT, at Hill - articles
- Discipline and Demerits - articles
- Pennhurst State School, community service for students
- Tuition lists, miscellaneous
- School Facts, 2018
- Hill School F.A.Q, 2005-06
- List of Hill School holdings, material
- Hill School Statistics, miscellaneous
- Dining Room history - articles
- Bethany Mission, 1919
- Hill School Cookbooks
- List of books in Headmasters Office, 2009
- LIst of books containing information on Hill School
- Cross-Stitch, pattern for Hill School by Ann Jesson
- Washington Portrait by Segal, information
- Piano Painting of Mrs. John Meigs by William Merritt Chase, 1883
- Meigs House drawing by Robert A. Ward
- Drawings of Meigs House, miscellaneous
- Pen & Ink drawings of Hill School
- History of Hill tests and excursions
- Widener Science Building, miscellaneous information pertaining to it
- Hill School Art Walk
- Hill School's earliest catalogs and circulars
- Writing Center, miscellaneous information pertaining to it
- Memorial Room tapestries
- Hill School dances
- Hill School colors
- Hill School beanies
- Hill School mascots
- Hill School sundial
- Hill School seal/emblem
- Hill School flags
- Hill School flagpoles
- Hill School sign post
- Headmaster's Garden
- Dell Theatre
- Headmaster's Nook Displays
- Exeter Motorcars at Hill
- Hobart's Run / Pottstown Cares
- Guest House - guest registries
- Cottage Seminary - women's school
- Hobart information
- Pottstown Historical Society - information on the Hill School Wall on High Street
- Hurricane Agnes flood, 1972
- Assorted campus projects and architects
- Pottstown - large file of miscellaneous materials on Pottstown (ie: maps, coins, history, Potts sisters, etc)
- Alumni Authors, Hill School
- Hill Authors - information from Doc Marshall's class
- Early History of Hill - miscellaneous articles
- Religion at Hill
- Boarding Schools - miscellaneous information
- Boys Schools Publications
- D.H.Kresge advertisement for clothing, at Hill School, 1913
- Lincoln bust information, bust located in library on first floor
- Lincoln - Kennedy facts, interesting correlations
- Mysterious 13 game, on dollar bill
- The Luger Pistol, Hobby House Press, 1945
- William McKinley speech
- Hill School "Speakers Bureau"
- Senior Pranks
- Illnesses of students and faculty
- Students, African-American, first at Hill
- Foreign Students, data
- Day Students, articles
- "Old Boys" dinner
- Hillbackers
- Staff and Employees - file includes photographs, articles, information on Willis Strawthers, Elsie Slaughter, Kathryn Miller, etc)
- Cadets and Wars - file includes information on cadets at The HIll School, alumni in the wars, Lisieux College in France, 1915-16 American History Class project, etc.
- Robert Frost -books and information
- N.C. Wyeth -information and books, particularly the original set of paintings from "Poems of American Patriotism"
The Archives is aware that there can be mistakes when attempting to decipher lettering and such. We would appreciate corrections of any nature that apply to this site.