About Us

Welcome to The Hill School Archives

This website provides a place to share some of Hill’s extensive history with the School community, alumni, and friends of the School. A majority of the Archives holdings consists of printed matter, photographs, yearbooks, school and student publications, scrapbooks, audiovisual materials, artifacts, and textiles. You may view a listing of all materials in the Archives by browsing through the categories below.

The Hill School Archives is currently located on the fourth floor of the John P. Ryan Library. The Archives staff has mounted many framed pictures on the walls of the stairway leading to the Archives balcony. Display cases exhibiting some of our prized artifacts are located in the hallway outside of the Writing Center on the third floor. The balcony and old Librarian's Quarters on the fourth floor are where the Archives currently resides.

Mr. Jeffries shows students old photographs that are part of The Hill School Archives.

Contact Us:

Louis Jeffries
Director of Archives


Shipping/Mailing Address: 
The Hill School 
860 Beech Street 
Pottstown, PA 19464 
Attn: Archives

Access to the Archives for visits and research purposes is by appointment only. The staff is happy to provide individual reference services and to answer inquiries whenever possible by email, letter, or telephone.

The Archives is aware that there can be mistakes when attempting to decipher lettering and such.  We would appreciate corrections of any nature that apply to this site.