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Special All-MAPL Teams Chosen For Spring 2020

After the COVID-19 pandemic eliminated spring athletics seasons across the country, the member schools of the Mid-Atlantic Prep League took the initiative to honor student-athletes in the Class of 2020 who lost their final season of high school competition.  One of the ways in which the league decided to recognize this year’s graduating class is to have special, senior-only All-MAPL teams.  Below are The Hill School's sixth form, spring student-athletes.

First Team
Michael Eze ’20
Michael Rockovich ’20
Gabe Willman ’20

Honorable Mention
Matt Connors ’20
Henry Gartner ’20
Jackson Kretzing ’20
Jack McLaughlin ’20

Boys’ Crew
Ben Crispin ’20
Nathan Duchez ’20
Jack Hada ’20
Will Henriksen ’20
Michael Logar ’20
Michael Stevens ’20
Sam Stiefel ’20

Girls’ Crew
Anna Gvodas ’20
Georgia King ’20
Juliana Ma ’20
Emma Stone ’20
Joyce Sun ’20
Anna Zitkus ’20

Girls’ Golf
First Team
Jessica Shao ’20
Helen Zhuang ’20

Boys’ Lacrosse
First Team
Mack Daniels ’20
Daniel May ’20
Carter Page ’20

Second Team
Will Lyman ’20
Nolan Smith ’20
Dylan Vincenti ’20

Honorable Mention
Nico McCurrach ’20

Shane Carr ’20

Girls’ Lacrosse
First Team
Lindsey Coffey ’20
Liz MacMurray ’20
Hannah Spease ’20

Honorable Mention
Jordan Hower ’20

First Team
Nicole Fitzgerald ’20
Amanda Sprague ’20
Kelsey Staivecki ’20

Honorable Mention
Lexi Lombardi ’20

Boys’ Tennis
First Team
Jonathan Carroll ’20
Russell Marinari ’20

Track and Field
Not recognized due to no league championship meet