Course Planning Guide
Information regarding graduation requirements, Advanced Placement courses, learning opportunities, academic accommodations, the course selection process, and other important academic information can be found below.
Graduation Requirements
- New students entering in third or fourth form: 3 terms of Arts courses
- Students entering in fifth form: 2 terms of Arts courses
- Students entering in sixth form: 1 term of an Arts course
- Four years. If eligible, fifth and sixth form students may also meet the English requirement for those two years by enrolling in Humanities 3 and 4.
History and Social Sciences
- Two years: 20th Century History required during the third form and U.S. History is required in the fifth or sixth form.
- Completion of one World or Classical Language through third-year level.
- Completion of two languages through second-year level.
Typically, students entering third, fourth, or fifth form must take a minimum of two years of a World or Classical Language.
- Three years (should include one year of Geometry and two years of Algebra)
- Integrated Math 31 or higher (applies only to students in the class of 2020 and beyond)
Religious Studies and Philosophy
- One year
- Advanced Latin Seminar or Greek 3 (Honors) when taken concurrently with a second language at an upper level.
- English 4 Honors: Literature and Religion
- Two years of laboratory science
- Advanced Placement Courses
- Academic Accomodations and Support
- Learning Opportunities
- Course Selection Process for New Students
- Course Selection Process for Returning Students
- Important Notes: Course Planning and Testing
- Required Coursework: Eudemonia, College Seminar, and Financial Literacy
- NCAA Approved Courses
Advanced Placement Courses
Academic Accomodations and Support
Learning Opportunities
Course Selection Process for New Students
Course Selection Process for Returning Students
Important Notes: Course Planning and Testing
Required Coursework: Eudemonia, College Seminar, and Financial Literacy
NCAA Approved Courses
Sample Schedule
Third Form | Fourth Form | Fifth Form | Sixth Form | |
Arts | Any Arts Class (term or year-long) | Any Arts Class (term or year-long) if requirement is not met | Any Arts Class (term or year-long) if requirement is not met | Any Arts Class (term or year-long) if requirement is not met |
English and Humanities | English 1 | English 2 | English or Humanities | English or Humanities |
History & Social Sciences | 20th Century History Required for third form |
World History | U.S. History Required in fifth or sixth form |
History or Social Science class of student's choice |
Mathematics | Integrated Math 11 or 21 | Integrated Math 22 or 32 | Integrated Math 33 or 43 | Introductory Calculus, Applied Mathematics, Calculus, Calculus AB (AP), or Statistics AP |
Languages | Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Level dependent upon previous coursework and placement test |
Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Level dependent upon previous coursework and placement test |
Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Level dependent upon previous coursework and placement test |
Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish Level dependent upon previous coursework and placement test |
Science | Biology 1 or Integrated Science 1 (Honors) | Chemistry 1, Chemistry 1 (Honors), or Integrated Science 2 (Honors) | Physics 1 (Honors) or Environmental Science | Biology (AP) or Chemistry (AP) |
Religious Studies & Philosophy | Course in Religious Studies & Philosophy | Course in Religious Studies & Philosophy - If not completed during fourth form year |
Course in Religious Studies & Philosophy - If not completed during fourth or fifth form year |