Information & Technology Services
At The Hill School, our library and technology staff and services are integrated into one department (Information and Technology Services, or ITS) focused on making sure students have the access to and support for the information and technology resources they need for a great educational experience.
The John P. Ryan Library
The resources within The John P. Ryan Library are comparable to most high school and college libraries. Our library subscribes to more than 30 web-based research databases, which are accessible to our students at any time on or off campus.
While some are specialized for history, science, literature, art, and music, others provide access to hundreds of academic journals across all disciplines. Visit the Ryan Library website.
Research is made even easier with “Supersearch” which searches the library catalog which is called HillCAT along with all the research databases and an extensive collection of reference ebooks. The Library also provides access to Flipster, a collection of e-magazines; Freegal, a free music streaming service; two streaming video services, Refworks and a subscription to the online version of the New York Times for all members of our Hill community.
Technology Services
Our technical staff supports Hill's Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program; the high speed network, HillNET; technologies like touchscreen displays, wireless projection, interactive white boards, video conferencing in all classrooms, and much more. They provide ongoing assistance to students and faculty throughout the year from their offices located on the first floor of the Library. The staff work with faculty members to find effective ways to integrate information and technology resources into classroom activities and can support a student throughout their research projects, from finding to presenting information.
Our aim is to help Hill students develop the ability to take a discerning, informed, and ethical approach to research and information management, while also supporting the development of critical skills in reading, writing, quantitative analysis, and oral communication.
Hill School Network (HillNET)
The Hill has high speed WIFI access in all dorms and academic buildings. Classrooms are equipped with state of the art interactive displays as well as cross-platform screen mirroring Vivi devices. All students have access to The Hill’s unique WavePrint service, which allows most devices, including iPads, to print to designated printers in all academic buildings and dormitories. Students receive a Hill email address and access to SharePoint for cloud-based sharing and storage of documents. They also have access to the cloud based Office 365 for word processing, video conferencing, creating presentations and spreadsheets, and more. Office 365 is compatible with Apple (phones, desktops and laptops, iPads), Windows devices, and Android phones and tablets.