Welcome to The Hill School Alumnae Society
Hill brought me from the West to the East, helped me find the moxie to start great things, and provided the support network to serve as a cheering crowd. I'm so fortunate to be a part of this community!Danielle "Nelly" Arnold '02
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of The Hill School Alumnae Society to unite a forward-thinking community of strong women, joined together by our common history and made stronger by our diverse paths and experience.
Stay Connected With Us:
Alumnae Society @ Instagram Alumnae Society @ Facebook
Meet the Members of our Board:
Lindsay Mays '05 | President
Ali Jacobs Greenly '07
Kailin Vollmuth '11
The Hill School Alumnae Society Committees:
Professional and Educational Development: Dedicated to bridging our past, present, and future by maintaining ties to current students and alumnae through mentoring and networking. This committee will assist in creating a larger alumnae footprint at events, and plan topical and conversational events revolving around the lives of our current female students and the career paths of our alumnae.
Social: This committee is the rally cry of The Hill School Alumnae Society. They will lead outreach to spike alumnae attendance at Hill events. Programming by this committee will center around camaraderie and friendship, building our ties to one another on a personal rather than professional level.
Communications: This committee is composed of the behind-the-scenes women who are responsible for amplifying our voices and mission to the masses. This group controls and updates Facebook and Instagram feeds, as well as writes articles for the alumni newsletter, Whatsoever Things. This team will assist in the promotion and documentation of all programming hosted and attended by members of The Hill School Alumnae Society.