Day Student Life
It's important for day students to take advantage of all the unique opportunities offered after school -- go eat dinner with your friends in the dining hall, hang in the dorm with your boarding friends, or go study with a study group in the library. Even though I go home after every day, I still feel like I am experiencing the family boarding school aspect of Hill.Kenny '22
Day students look forward to fulfilling Hill's one-year boarding requirement (most often during their sixth form year), which allows them to grow even closer to their peers and to the faculty members who live on campus. Many day students investigate the possibility of boarding for more than one year as they quickly become involved in the myriad academic, athletics, and social offerings of the community.
The Student Center and the Grille
The hub of student life at The Hill School is the Student Center and its Grille. Located on the lower level of the Academic Center, this is a relaxing place for day students to socialize between classes and during free times throughout the academic day and evening.
The Student Center is open from 7 a.m. until the nightly check-in time. The Student Center houses the Grille — a great place to purchase sandwiches, a quick snack, juice or coffee and other refreshments — an ATM, large-screen television, lounge chairs, and group study areas. It is the main location for a variety of on-campus activities including: student band concerts; board game or trivia nights; karaoke; and viewing big sporting events (Super Bowl, World Series, etc.).