What is Counseling?
Student Informed Consent
School Clinicians
All Hill School Clinicians have a professional license(s) or work towards licensure under supervision. Our School Clinicians are highly trained and experienced in the field and will do the best possible job to address your concerns and work together to address your needs. In counseling, you will work with a School Clinician to build skills and insight and find solutions to problems through conversation and practice. What happens in any given session will depend on your goals, presenting any issue(s), your comfort with communication, your current life circumstances, and the general approach you've agreed to with your School Clinician.
Appointment Check-in/out
Please check in with the administrative assistant before/after all counseling appointments. Once you finish your appointment, she will also give you a pass back to class if needed. All passes indicate you are at the Wellness Center and do not specify counseling.
The cost of all counseling sessions at The Hill School is fully covered by tuition and fees. If we refer you to an outside provider, or you prefer seeing an external provider, this will be at a will cost to you.
Electronic Health Record
The Counseling Center uses an electronic health record to record clinical notes. Only the school counseling team and Medical Director have access to the information in the EHR. The Medical Director has access to clinical areas of the chart only when providing a continuity of care through the medical leave process.
Clinical Services in the Summer
The Hill School does not provide clinical counseling services in the summer and will refer students to other providers. Once school resumes, clinical services can start with their school clinician.
Counseling Website and Contact
To reach the Director of Counseling, please email Lroethling@thehill.org or call 610-705-1162.
Drop-in Services
The Counseling Center is available for drop-in counseling sessions from 830 a.m. to 430 p.m. Monday through Friday. Students will be seen in real-time to discuss a particular concern they may be having.
Benefits & Risks
Counseling can include discussing challenging or previously undisclosed aspects of life and maybe uncomfortable at times. On the other hand, counseling has demonstrable benefits in leading to better relationships, solving specific problems, and reducing feelings of distress. The goal of counseling is to impact the lives of students who take part positively. At the same time, anyone who believes that counseling is not working may discontinue or request a change in the School Clinician working with the individual. We will do our best to accommodate any requests for changes.
The Counseling Process
Typically, the first session is a screening session that allows you to talk about what is going on and if you think counseling would be helpful. If you choose to move forward with counseling, the next session will include evaluating your needs. Our assessment process screens for anxiety, depression, eating issues, substance-related issues, internet addiction concerns, trauma/abuse history, and school/academic challenges. By the end of this assessment, we will be able to offer you some first impressions of your situation and a rough outline of a plan to follow moving forward should you decide to continue with counseling.
If a parent, Hill School faculty, or Wellness Center staff asks if a School Clinician is working with a student, we will acknowledge the student's status in services while ensuring that all specific health-related information will be kept confidential. Students need to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences without worrying that others will share such information to engage in counseling. For this reason, we do our absolute best to safeguard the privacy of the students we meet with.
Exceptions to Confidentiality
Confidentiality/privacy cannot be maintained in the following circumstances, and School Clinicians must make an immediate disclosure without discussion:
1. If a student reveals a plan/intent to cause severe harm or death to the student themself, we believe that the student has the purpose and ability to carry out this threat within a proximate time frame. In this instance, we are required by law to take steps to inform a parent or guardian as well as individuals at The Hill School with a need to know of what the student has told us and how serious we believe this threat to be and to try to prevent the occurrence of such harm.
2. If a student reveals a plan/intent to cause severe harm or death to someone else, we believe that the student has the intention and ability to carry out this threat very shortly. In this situation, we are required by law to inform a parent or guardian and individuals at The Hill School with a need to know. We must also notify the police and the targeted person of potential threatened harm.
3. Suppose it is revealed or apparent that a child is/has been neglected or abused (physically, sexually, or emotionally). In that case, we are required by law to report the alleged abuse to the appropriate state child protective agency, the Pennsylvania ChildLine.
4. If a student is under the age of 18 and reveals that they have been a victim of sexual assault, we must report that information to Pennsylvania ChildLine and the student's parent. If the assault includes another Hill School student, we must notify the Dean of Students.
5. If a student reports sexual misconduct or assault from another student, faculty, or staff, we must report that information to the school administration; in some cases, that may also require a report to Pennsylvania ChildLine.
6. If a student scores above the cutoff on an eating disorder screening tool or meets the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-V criteria for a substance use disorder. In that case, we are required to notify a parent.
7. If a student has been deemed to need a medical leave of absence related to mental health. The Director of counseling will communicate that need to the Medical Leave Committee.
If you have concerns about the limits of confidentiality, you can always ask your School Clinician about the types of information you need to disclose. You could ask in the form of a “hypothetical situation."
Disordered Eating Screening
Our policy is that a parent will be informed if a student presents in the counseling center with disordered eating concerns and scores above the cutoff on the EAT-26 screening tool. If there is a concern for further assessment or a need for a specialized care provider, it will be encouraged that students/parents follow this recommendation.
Identified Substance Use Disorders
The Counseling Center will provide confidential counseling support for students using substances. However, if a student’s substance use meets the DSM-V criteria for a substance use disorder, a parent will be notified. If there is a concern for further assessment or a need for a specialized care provider, it will be encouraged that students/parents follow this recommendation.
Students Suspected to be Under the Influence of Substances
If a student presents in the counseling center and is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. In that case, they will be taken to the Wellness Center for further evaluation.
I CARE Services & Confidentiality
Students receiving counseling services for I CARE must sign a release of information that allows the Counseling team to report to the Dean of Students if the student has completed the assessment and any, ICARE recommendations. No other information is given other than completion or non-completion of the counseling requirements.
Mental Health Medical Leave
In instances where a mental health medical leave is deemed necessary, the School Clinician will work with the Medical Leave Committee through the medical leave process. A release of information will be signed by the student for the duration of this process. The goal of a mental health medical leave is always the healthy return of a student.
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency (meaning you are not feeling safe), contact Hill Security at 610-327-3060 or walk directly to the Wellness Center and speak with a nurse. School Clinicians are on call 24/7 for emergencies when students are on campus.
View a PDF of our What is Counseling document