IMPACT Marijuana Prevention

Marijuana use today is much different than that even 20 years ago. High THC contents, different delivery methods, increased ability to use without detection, as well as impact on academic performance - are all reasons to explore the IMPACT course as a parent.
According to our recent High Achieving Survey given in November of 2020, third and fifth form students are outside the norm with substance use compared to other boarding schools surveyed. As part of our prevention programming this year, we piloted the IMPACT marijuana prevention program in our fourth form Eudemonia Health+ class. As students took the course, parents were also invited to participate. This interactive course (access below) was developed by psychologists and leaders in prevention research field, and will offer you the opportunity to explore how marijuana use impacts teenagers' academic performance, emotional life, and future goals over time.  Lastly, this course will introduce you to evidence-based strategies for talking to your teen at home and helping your teen to make healthy choices.

The below graph indicates clinically significant marijuana use reported by Hill students broken down by grade. This data is from the High Achieving School Survey (November 2020). Bars that exceed the black line indicate marijuana use above the norm (more than) other students at high achieving schools that participate in the survey.

Accessing the Course

Please click the links below to access the course and enter your voucher code. You will need to supply your email address and create a password to log into your course. The courses can be accessed via computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Click the link below and enter the access code to get started.

Below are additional research points to why providing marijuana-specific prevention during this pandemic is so important.