Please find sample language and guidance for your bequest so that the gift and bequest can be used as intended by you, the donor.
“I give, devise, and bequeath the sum of $_________ (or ___% or XYZ asset) to The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa….”
An Unrestricted Use:
To be used in such a manner as the Board of Trustees deem most useful for the general purposes of The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa.
A Restricted, Current Use:
To be used for scholarship aid (or faculty salaries, building maintenance, student research) at The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa.
Endowment, Income Unrestricted:
To be added to the endowment fund of The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., the annual income thereof to be used for the benefit of The Hill School, in such a manner as the Board of Trustees thereof may direct.
Endowment, Income Restricted:
To be added to the endowment of The Hill School, Pottstown, Pa., to establish the (name of scholarship or fund), the income from which shall be used to pay, in full or in part, the tuition of students with financial need and in academic good standing, as determined by the policies of The Hill School.