Groundbreaking Ceremony
On Saturday, June 8, 2019, during The Hill School’s Reunion Weekend, we celebrated the groundbreaking of the Shirley Quadrivium Center, Hill’s transformational new facility where four academic disciplines meet: Engineering, Science, Math, and Technology.
"We are here today to celebrate the groundbreaking of the Shirley Quadrivium Center, a $19 million, 45,000 square foot facility will revolutionize scientific education at The Hill School," said Headmaster Zachary G. Lehman P'16 '18.
Trustees, STEM faculty members, and other key supporters of the project donned hard hats emblazoned with a rendering of the Center and ceremoniously scooped dirt to signify the official start of the project.
The Center will link the Widener Science Building and Widener Arts and Crafts Building to create a combined structure that houses our redesigned science, math, engineering, computer science, and digital design curricula. The projected opening date of the Center is September 2020.